The sunshine vitamin

With the arrival of Spring and warmer days, there is no excuse for not going out to enjoy the benefits that only a few minutes of sun exposure can contribute to your health.

Exposure to the sun generates vitamin D in our body, an essential vitamin for the physical and emotional health of the human being.

Vitamin D is vital for the strengthening of teeth and bones and the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, as well as for hormonal balance.

Vitamin D comes naturally from the sun. When our exposure to sunlight is low, we can develop symptoms such as tiredness, muscle pain, insomnia, boredom, depression or fatigue.

Adopt the habit of walking outside for 20 to 30 minutes daily to allow yourself the opportunity to receive the necessary dose of Vitamin D

What are other sources of vitamin d?

If you prefer to obtain vitamin D from other sources, nutrition is another way in which the body can receive the properties of this nutrient. Fish, for example, provides the right amount of vitamin D, so it is recommended to consume it twice a week.

Other rich sources of vitamin D are eggs, milk, and cod liver oil. When you include these macronutrients in your breakfast, your body will have more energy to start the day.

One more alternative to incorporate vitamin D is taking a vitamin D3 supplement in capsules. The recommended dose will depend on the needs of each person.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

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