Protect yourself from Covid-19 during winter

One of the concerns during this winter season is the possibility of contracting any illness, and even more so today, considering that the Covid-19 virus is still present among us.

Low temperatures and crowds in closed spaces increase the risk of contracting the virus. Specialists recommend following certain practices to avoid the contagion and spread of the coronavirus during this time. Take note!

Take care of your immune system:

Taking care of the immune system is an effective barrier to avoid complications from Covid-19. Try to have a diet plan and consider supplements that help your body fight viruses or allergies. Consuming Vitamin C, natural teas like ginger, and other supplements recommended by your doctor will protect your body.

Avoid meetings in closed spaces:

Family and friends’ gatherings in closed places increase the virus’ spread because air circulation is limited.

Hand washing and disinfection of spaces:

Washing hands with soap and cleaning surfaces and objects regularly should be part of your daily routine to avoid contaminating or spreading the virus. If you touched a surface with infected particles on it, disinfection is the only way to reduce your risk.

Washing hands with soap and cleaning surfaces and objects regularly should be part of your daily routine to avoid contaminating or spreading the virus. If you touched a surface with infected particles on it, disinfection is the only way to reduce your risk.

Get vaccinated against the flu:

Medical professionals recommend getting the flu vaccine. It will prevent developing a cold and being more vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus, which would bring further health complications.

Cover up and avoid temperature changes:

On cold winter days, wear heavy coats to prevent your body from being hit by low temperatures. They can cause damage to the throat and respiratory tract.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

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