Nature, an ally of the circulatory system

Nature offers us alternatives that can be a complement to help our body stay strong and improve circulation. Feeling of heaviness, tiredness, and cramps in our legs are the first signs that the circulatory system is not functioning correctly.

You can include some natural drinks in your diet to help improve your circulation.

Remember that a medical consultation with a varicose vein specialist is important to know if you suffer from venous insufficiency, which could be the cause of such discomfort in your legs.

Cherries and Ginger:

The combination of these two foods will help you have an analgesic sensation in
your legs. Cherries contain potassium, which benefits people who experience muscle cramps or pain.

Radish and Carrot:

Two ingredients that improve circulation due to its high content of vitamin C, which helps cleanse the blood and eliminate fluid retention and inflammation.

Beet with parsley:

Beets provide natural nitrates that help open blood vessels. Parsley is anti-inflammatory because of its content of lutein and vitamin C. When mixed in a shake or an infusion, they will be an ally to relieve the symptoms of tired legs.

Horse chestnut::

Horse chestnut seeds relieve the symptoms of venous insufficiency because they contain flavonoids, which help improve blood flow and valve function. Additionally, they help decrease inflammation and prevent clots.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

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