5 Key Facts about Varicose Veins

If you have felt pain in your legs at the end of the day, have seen your ankles swollen, or have had some cramps at night, these symptoms are associated with poor circulation and disease to which little attention is paid: varicose veins.

In most cases, men and women make a medical appointment with a vein specialist when visible symptoms appear, such as thick veins, spider veins on thighs and calves, or severe pain at night

It is important to know 5 key facts about Varicose Veins, or Venous Insufficiency, to understand the complications that this condition can bring to your health if you do not treat it in time.

Thick veins:
Thick veins appear because the veins’ internal valves have weakened and don’t fulfill the function of transporting blood properly back towards the heart.

The risk to your health:
Varicose veins can bring problems related to clot development, which can lead to venous thrombosis, putting lives at risk. Other possible complications are ulcers and a progressive loss of mobility in the legs due to severe pain.

This disease has a high percentage of being hereditary; if your parents or a close relative had it, it is likely that you may suffer from venous insufficiency. Other factors influence its appearances, such as obesity, sitting or standing for many hours, hormonal changes, and pregnancy.

Healthy habits:
Having a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and regular exercise helps reduce varicose veins’ symptoms. Eating fruits, vegetables, and foods low in sodium will improve venous function.

Varicose veins do have a solution:
Various treatments are available for this medical condition, such as an endovenous laser, a minimally invasive procedure that treats the affected veins so that blood can circulate properly. Remember, having thick veins is not normal, and it also affects your quality of life.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

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